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Put together

Notes form melodies

Chords come from notes

Dissonance and harmonies

Music is a note.


Am I?

Yesterday, I was faced with that age old question, Am I?

Am I who I think I am?

Am I the imposter I always thought myself to be?

Am I as creative as I proclaimed to believe?

Am I the one who truly sees?

Am I the God I claim to be?

Am I, Am I, Am I. 

Yes I am?


Oh no

Not Me.


Make It Count

I have lived life to this point only teeter tottering on the lines of what I could be. This has nothing to do with finances; however, I do enjoy hearing people make hasty assumptions about where I am on the scale – I digress. Make it count – is an old motto but a new mantra for me. What else are we supposed to do with this life. We are here for a while and then we disappear – well in as far as we can currently perceive. There are all sort of mysteries that suggest we could in fact exist in some capacity – regardless there is far more evidence to suggest that we are gone forever at least in terms of what the conscious mind can perceive.

The life after causes me great pause today as the theory suggest a second chance and since I question the reality of second opportunity to right wrongs or try again, I say we get this one opportunity that spans decades and for the lucky a century or more to do and experience everything from joy to upset. Why not experience that and everything in between. What else are we here for.

We can’t just be here to work, come home and go to sleep. We can’t just be here to make. children, take care of them and then go. We can’t just be here to create, publish and seek fame. There is never an end. We are continuously searching to find that what we are looking for has always been. We are always circling a self that has forever exists. Almost as though we have to go away from ourselves to come back.

Who am I, Who am I, Who am I – asked for an eternity – only to find a response just as daunting as the question, I am.

Shit, with an answer like that you better Make It Count!


Is Moving Synonymous With Change?

I have always been on the move. I must admit though that my previous address in Southern California I had hoped to be my last. Not that I wouldn’t have homes in other locations, but that I would at the very least have a place that I could always return to. That was shattered by a good opportunity. The process of moving – although only requiring us to place one foot in front of the other – comes with unique struggles, especially if you are moving a group of people from one location to another. There are many temperaments to contend with. The burden of responsibility often falls on you to keep a tempo – even at times when the tempo is not your own. My experience has taught me to move and the moves have shaped me. Almost seems as though if we to change or evolve then a requirement of that process is movement. Movement of the feet, movement of locations, movement of the mind, movement of sound, movement of ideas, movement of initiatives, movement of people, movement of activity – movement of all kinds.

Does continuous movement actually lead to change? (I just paused to ponder that) You can move around and around in the same area and that would lead to some change, but perhaps limited. Movement for change should include greater shifts in location.

My thoughts for the day!